
It’s about all of us, working together. Community mental health impacts everyone, from the 1 in 4 of us who experience mental illness in any given year, to the almost half of us who will in their lifetime, to the family, friends, employers, communities, governments, and services trying to help.

Together, we can build a community mental health system that ensures positive interactions with clinical and community supports and services, aimed at reducing the burden on the healthcare system by empowering and resourcing primary prevention at the community level.

So whether you’re an individual with lived experiences, a caretaker for someone experiencing mental health challenges, a front line worker providing support and services, part of government, a first responder, healthcare or community development professional, or just someone who cares, there’s a space for you.

Any individual can advocate—make it known to your elected officials, your community organizations, your friends, and your family, that building a system for community mental health matters.

If you have lived/living experience providing, seeking, or receiving support for mental health, keep watch for upcoming community engagement opportunities and calls for Council members. Contributing your lived expertise provides authentic understanding of the challenges and needs that go unmet in our community. We honour and value the contributions of those with lived experience to maximize wellbeing and capacity to contribute, ensuring meaningful impact through responsible, authentic, and accessible support for all individuals involved.

If your work regularly involves mental health planning, services, or support structures, consider how you and your organization can help enact the needed solutions in the upcoming Future Community Mental Health Blueprint.

To get involved, please sign up for our newsletter
(see the ‘Subscribe’ section below) and we’ll let you know about opportunities.