âpacihitowin - Helping One Another

Author: Cheyenne Mihko Kihêw, Community Liaison, Edmonton 2 Spirit Society


It is understood through the oral tradition of storytelling that amiskwaciwâskahikan, now known as Edmonton, has been the home to Two Spirit peoples since long before settlers arrived. In the nêhiyawêwin (Cree) language, we have eight distinct words for gender and each gender has their own teachings and responsibilities. Colonization, however, had a detrimental effect on the Indigenous communities that lived in these ancestral lands. Alongside a loss of culture and language was the imposition of new social constructs around gender and sexuality. Two Spirit folks, who traditionally held sacred roles within our societies, became disconnected and ostracized. The lingering intergenerational trauma from the loss of cultural continuity through colonial forces (such as residential schools) also plays a role in the disproportionately high rates of suicide within Indigenous communities, with 2SLGBTQ+ individuals at even greater risk. 

It is our mission at Edmonton 2 Spirit Society (E2S) “To re-establish and enhance our traditional roles and responsibilities as Two Spirit people in Indigenous communities while creating supportive environments within all societies for contemporary Two Spirit peoples.” In our fourth year as an organization, we now have staff made up of our Executive Director Jeffrey Chalifoux and our Community Liaison Cheyenne Mihko Kihêw. 

As E2S continues to grow, we are dedicating more time and resources to addressing the intersecting needs of our community. We are able to provide awareness workshops, advocate to prevent homophobia and transphobia, and organize community events such as online beading socials and sober dances. E2S is committed to offering knowledge exchange and ceremony opportunities with Elders and Knowledge Keepers, in an effort to counter the eroded connection to culture for Two Spirit people. In addition to the cultural supports we offer, E2S is also increasing access to mental health resources. We are currently developing a free suicide prevention training for our community members and it is our hope that we will be able to offer more immediate support for anyone who is experiencing suicidal ideation in the coming months. 

 E2S aims to foster strength and resiliency in our community by reminding our Two Spirit kin that we are all valued, worthy, and loved. 

Living Hope, City of Edmonton

Living Hope was developed by a committee of dedicated organizations and individuals who believe that suicide can be prevented in our city. These partners range from government to colleges and universities, to private and non-profit organizations. View the Living Hope Implementation Plan.


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